Autistic girl Zen (Yanin Wismitanant) is a fighting genius. When her mother Zin (Amara Siripong) falls ill with cancer Zen innocently tries to get money from people labeled indebted in Zin's old notebook. This leads her to confront Zin's past as a gang member of No.8 (Pongpat Wachirabunjong), a Thai mafia boss. Meanwhile Zen's Japanese father and No.8's rival, Masashi (Hiroshi Abe), a Yakuza, decides to come back to protect his daughter and the woman he left behind years ago. A raging war begins and Zen must bring out her very best to get through.
最近的泰国电影都让我有很大的惊喜, 首先让我认识泰国电影是他们的鬼片, 不可否认, 泰国的鬼片已经成功打入了国际市场. 尤其在亚洲, 泰国的鬼片已经成功取代日本与韩国. 曾经风摩一时的日本鬼片(贞子, 咒怨), 韩国鬼片(鬼铃)的风光已经完全被泰国取代.
现在, 另外一题材又要被取代泰国电影了, 那就是武打动作片. 当年的一个"拳霸", 就把泰国武打动作电影带到国际. 现在陆续更会有高水准的泰国武打动作电影. 相信要取代香港, 中国的市场并不难.
饰演女主角(Yanin Wismitanant) 本身是跆拳道高手, 所以所有高难度动作都是亲自上阵, 完全零替身. 而且其他替身的高难度动作更是全部真实, 完全零CGI. 感觉就像当年香港80初期的作品.
真实的对招, 也真实的受伤, 相信以后会有这女生更多的作品.
整体上是一部成功的电影, 至少我认为成功打照一位新一代女武打演员. 4/5.
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