
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wanted (2008)

对于某些人,我相信他们会认为这部电影非常夸张。但对我来说,我认为这部电影还蛮享受和娱乐的。 这电影讲述一位杀手联民的成员的背叛。主角的父亲被杀害,他们(杀手联民)就训练他的儿子成为一名超级杀手。整套电影可惜没什么巨大的惊喜,但故事还是有微小扭曲(SMALL TWIST)。

我比较有兴趣谈论该作品的导演;Timur Bekmambetov。他来自俄罗斯,这不是我第一部看他的电影。我真的很喜欢他的Night watch 和 Day Watch(俄罗斯电影) ,我更等待着他的第三个部续集: twilight watch.从他的电影他自己,界明显有自己独特的风格。慢动作,汽车翻转,苍蝇,猪肉,子弹会转弯,不可能的动作。他的电影完全属于虚构电影,但不是科幻电影。也许我们应该给他电影风格一个新名词,从今天开始, 我命名他的电影风格为"现代虚幻动作"电影.

我不认为这是一个糟糕的电影了,虽然的故事情节方面有点弱,不过华丽的动作弥补了一切。我认为有3.5/5 。Timur Bekmambetov导演的爱好者必看, 喜欢科幻值得看.

For certain people, I believe they are thinking this movie is exaggerated for them. But for me, I will said it is entertain and enjoyable.

Story about a botherhood of assassination betrayed by one of the member. His father being killed and they train his son to become a super assasin. No huge suprise for me as the story go and the tiny twist.

What I interest to talk about is the director of this movie; Timur Bekmambetov. He is a Russian's director and these is not his 1st movie I had watch. I really like his Night watch and Day Watch(both Russian movie), and I am waiting his third epic twilight watch.You cearly see he has own cinemagraphy style. Slow motion, car flip, flies, pork, turning bullet, unrealistic action. His movie is definate a fiction movie; but not science fiction. Maybe we should give his movie style a name; I should call it as modern act fiction....

Not a bad movie at all, maybe a bit weak on story line, but with great unrealistic action. I give 3.5 out of 5.

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