
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eden Lake (British thriller 2008) on cinema now


第一,我不建议不能接受血腥电影的人看这电影. 这电影有一个镜头是一名男生被活活烧死, 儿童不宜. 最近我发现英国恐怖电影其实非常好, 他们都具有良好的剧情和创艺的故事线。例如: 28 days and weeks later, Decent, Cottage等。

要称为一个好恐怖电影,非常需要有一个逻辑并且好的故事线。一些问题如: 为什么坏人要追杀主角电影必需要有答案. 如果没有好的理由的杀人理由, 那只不过是一部没有灵魂的恐怖片。

我认为此片非常不错的,不单背景优美,而且电影的悲剧接近我们的生活。换句话说,这是一部部写实的惊悚片,或许不幸的话这些事情可能发生在你我身上。 我不想泄漏情,因为看一部好的恐怖电影最重要是不知道内容如何, 才会有惊喜. 我只能这么说,这电影讲述的是一个森林,一湖, 两个成人,和一群少年人。

我觉得题材新鲜又写实. 所以我认为值4/5.

1st, did not recommend to people don't like or cannot accept disgust and bloody sence. This movie have a scene a man being maltreat. No kid allow please. Lately I found that British horror movie actually very good. They all have good plot and good story line. Example: 28 days and weeks later. Decent, cottage and these.

To make a awsome horror, need a good and logic story line. Question like why the bad guy want to kill others got to be an answer from the movie. This thriller is so good because it have built a wonderful enviroment which the incident in the movie could ever happen to us too. In another word, the thriller is so realistic to believe that these actually could happen to you and me.

I don't want spoil the story, which is a good horror movie need to save the suprising element.I just can said that, the movie is about one jungle, one lake, 2 adults, and a group of teenage. I give it 4 out of 5.

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