
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Tale of Despereaux (2009)

很普通的一部3D动画。 主要讲述一个勇敢老鼠怎样勇救公主的故事。看这动画有点像在看儿童故事书, 是一部适合小孩子的动画, 不过未必会吸引小孩子, 因为有很多旁白.

没事做或要给小孩子看有点教育性质的动画, 看看无妨. 3/5.

A very common story about a brave mouse save the human princess, just like ordinary children story book stories. These animation is suitable for children but may not attract them because of a lot of dialog.

If you are bored and so into animation or wanted an educated movie for children, see it as no harm.

3 / 5.

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