
Friday, April 24, 2009

天水围的日与夜 (2009)

非常写实的一部电影, 既然从男主角(女主角的儿子)看到一点点自己的影子。在某一些习惯, 遭遇自己跟男主角有点雷同, 所以自己很容易进入里面的角色。

其实整部电影的概念很简单, 就是一个单身母亲和一个儿子, 还有她的亲戚; 和住同大厦并一起同事的阿婆的日常生活。 电影并没有很华丽的画面, 紧张的动作或悦耳的音乐; 但是电影所带出来的气氛和含义却令人值得深思跟感动,尤其能给人共鸣。



儿 : 考不到不就出来做工。 (之前她母亲也这样说)

同工:如果你母亲叫你不要看电视, 去做功课, 你会怎么回答?
儿 : 哦。
儿 : 哦。
儿 : 哦。
儿 : 哦。

非常有意思的电影, 如果喜欢看一些有意思, 能够令人深思的电影; 强烈推荐给喜欢这样的朋友。
如果看电影只为了与娱乐, 求感官刺激, 那么就可免了。


This is a social reflect movie. It was so realistic; I see my own shadow from the actor (as the son in the movie). There are some habits, life experience which is similar to mine, so for me is easy to get connect with the role.

In fact, the concept of the movie is very simple. A single mother,her son, her relatives; and a old lady(her neighbor) daily lives. The film did not have any gorgeous view, neither intense action nor great music; but the movie come with very meaningful philosophy about life; the atmosphere is worthy and touching, especially to give people sympathy.

There are a lot of very interesting dialogue.

For example:

Mother: Life is difficult.

duagter: How hard will life be?

Uncle: Can your result get you in Form six?

Child: If not just look for a job. (Before that her mother also)

Co-workers: If your mother ask you not to watch TV, doyour homework, how would you answer?

Son: Oh.
Co-workers: If your mother ask you to wear more clothes?
Son: Oh.
Co-workers: If your mother ask you back home early?
Son: Oh.
Co-workers: If your mother ask you to don't talk use the phone for too long? ?
Son: Oh.

These is a very interesting movie, if you are a person wish to see a meaningful movie which can lead you to think of meaning of life; strongly recommend to you.

But if you just want to see an entertain movie, high budget film, you may skip this movie .

I personally gave 4 / 5.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Susan Boyle from Britian's got talent

I dreamed a dream

There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes man (2008)

JIM CARREY 回来了。 一直以来我都非常喜欢JIM CARREY, 之前他尝试转型, 演不同的角色, 不过, 可以肯定的; 喜剧才是他的拿手好戏。

这部YESMAN和LAIR LAIR有些相似的地方, 都是不能选择, 只有单一选择。 而且因为这些选择而闹出笑话。 戏里还有一个很抢眼的绿叶, 就是演JIM CARREY的上司的NORMAN, 很搞笑又令人喜欢的上司. 希望以后能再看到他在JIM CARREY的或其他喜剧电影.

喜欢电影里带出的正面信息, 不要埋怨, 把握机会, 装备自己, 活出人生. 尤其在学习新东西的功课方面,因为你不知道哪一天这些东西是用得到的.
像电影我认为最搞笑的两幕, 唱歌劝跳楼的人, 还有用韩语安慰在婚纱店工作的韩国女生.

这套戏我看了两次, 两次都是看得笑到流泪.
强力推荐 4.5/5.
这电影归入我对JIM CARREY的最爱的项目里.

JIM CARREY is back. I like JIM CARREY movies very much until he different roles beside comedy, but be sure; comedy is his bestt.

LAIR LAIR and YESMAN have some similarities, both have concept that not able to choose or only can make single decision. All these single choice making choices bring humor situation. There was another outstanding comedian in these mvie , that is as JIM CARREY's boss: NORMAN, he is cute and funny. Hope to see him again in other JIM CARREY's movie or other comedy.

These film's bring very strong positive message, it is about not to complain, take your opportunity by equipping ourselves and live a life. Especially in the homework on learning new things, because you do not know when these things will come in handy.
I think the most funny scenes is either, singing to persuade people not to jumping off a building, and he comforted a Korean's girl in the weeding dress shop.l.

I saw this movie twice, and I still laughing to tears.
Strongly recommended to everyone. Worth 4.5 / 5.
The film will included in my JIM CARREY favorite selection.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Tale of Despereaux (2009)

很普通的一部3D动画。 主要讲述一个勇敢老鼠怎样勇救公主的故事。看这动画有点像在看儿童故事书, 是一部适合小孩子的动画, 不过未必会吸引小孩子, 因为有很多旁白.

没事做或要给小孩子看有点教育性质的动画, 看看无妨. 3/5.

A very common story about a brave mouse save the human princess, just like ordinary children story book stories. These animation is suitable for children but may not attract them because of a lot of dialog.

If you are bored and so into animation or wanted an educated movie for children, see it as no harm.

3 / 5.

Taken (2008)

这是一部关于一位已经退休了的政府特务"Prevender"的父亲寻找女儿下落的故事 。有一天,他的女儿和朋友前往法国旅游, 却在当地被的地下组织绑架了,逼迫他们打毒品,最终卖为妓女. 他的父亲发现壮观,并开始他法国寻女的旅程,拯救她的女儿。

这电影的故事情节非常紧凑, 而且紧,。我很快就投入电影的剧情, 完全没有冷场的感觉。 或许因为这电影没有什么大明星,可惜的许多人都不知道它的存在. 非常推荐给喜欢动作电影的朋友。绝对值得4/5.

Taken is a movie about a father who is a ritered special agent for the goverment who cliam himself as the prevender. One day his daughter travel to french with a friend. She end up kidnaped by some underground organisation who specialise kidnap tourist and give them drug to become prostitute. His father found out and start his journey to saving her daughter in French.

The movie have a good action and story line. Audience easy follow in the movie. When the movie started you hardly give a break and will keep watching it to the end.

Even there are no big celebrity is this movie but this movie should be putting more attention by people who never know it occur. Recommend to those people who like good story and action. I give 4 out of 5. Try go look for it.

Comingsoon (Shutter's Director)

Trailer :

一部中规中举的恐怖电影。因为罩着SHUTTER的光环, 很多人必定会拿这电影和SHUTTER比较。是的, 没有比SHUTTER好, 但也未又太差。好看过ALONE。

故事讲述一部恐怖电影, 看了电影的人都会死, 一点类似THE RING。主角是电影的放映员, 先死的是看DEMO的电影的工作人员, 然后就是偷录影主角的朋友。 接着离奇的事就发生在主角身上。

电影中有一个小TWIST, 一个比较难忘的镜头(重复),和一句经典对白。可惜这次的吓人度比较低。


It is a okay horror film. Unfortunate, there is no better compare to SHUTTER, but better than ALONE.

The story is about all the people who watch the horror movie die. It is a little similar to THE RING. First, the horror movie's maker team die after they watch it as pre-screen , then a worker of the cinema who recorded the movie illegally for sell it as pirate dvd. After that, the starring who also work in the same cinema have watch it, strange thing starting to happen.

There is a small TWIST in the moive, a memorable scene (repeating), and a classic dialog. Unfortunately, the movie is lack of scary element.

only worth 3.5 / 5.