
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ichi- 市 (2008)



Ichi is a blind woman who roams about town with her shamisen (a three-stringed Japanese guitar), but she has exceptional with her sword skills. One day she being rape by a man, she was exodus from her group. After that she killed the man who raped her and starting her journey to find the man who teach her sword skills, whom she dunno neither her father or not.

My Tough:

Samurai's movie have always been my favorite.

I am very impress of the actress who plays the main heroine; Haruka Ayase. She very suitable for role with no emotion or eye without focus / no blink, in the movie my girlfriend is a robot (Click here to see her other movies), she played the Robots, now the Blind Girl (both emotionless) very well, she even make me believe that the heroine is a true blind.

In other hand, the actor who plays "Toma" is not very suitable. I think that character should be more rogue. And I think that the plot of this movie is too early to review that "Toma" is actually a sword master (middle part), it should be review only when he fighting hand to hand (near end part) to the yakuza Boss, that will bring more surprises.


Not everyone like Samurai's movie, plus the progressing of the movie is bit slow (a blind walk twice slower than normal), so if you don't like samurai films then you can SKIP this movie. However, if you like samurai films, or Haruka Ayase's FANS, you will certainly check this out.

Don't like samurai films = 2.5 / 5
Like samurai films = 3.5 / 5
Like samurai films, but also as Haruka Ayase 's FANS = 4 / 5

幕末,有一群携带着三味线到处走唱的盲眼瞽女(瞽女是指怀抱着叁味弦,靠沿街卖唱为生的盲人艺人),其中一位名字叫“市”。瞽女每天奏响三味线,唱着歌,只赚着够自己每天生活的钱。一天, 他被一位客人强暴,被赶出盲眼瞽女的团体, 但是谁知道,这位盲眼瞽女其实是个用剑高手,所以, 她把欺负她的男人给杀人, 然后独自流浪, 四处寻找教她剑法但却留下她, 不知是不是自己父亲的男人。


一直以来都喜欢看武士时代电影的我, 很自然的就对这样题材的电影感兴趣。

在这里不得不称赞饰演女主角“市”的 绫濑遥。不知道是不是她眼睛原本就没有什么精神, 她饰演一些没有感情或眼睛不对焦的角色十分适合,之前在电影我的女友是机器人(按这里看她其他电影),她饰演饰演无感情的机器人十分到位, 这次的盲女也一样出色(都是缺乏感情的),甚至能令我相信女主角是真盲的。

男主角 大泽隆夫饰演的“藤平十马”就不是很适合。 我认为男主角 的性格应该需要再无赖一点。而且我觉得这戏的情节唯一铺陈不好的就是太早让人知道“藤平十马”其实也是用剑高手(中段), 如果在当他和坏人头目交手(后段)才交代他是用剑高手, 我觉得这样的情节会更有惊喜。


这种电影的题材比较偏门, 不是所有人都会喜欢, 加上情节进展比较慢(尤其盲人走路比普通人慢一倍),所以不喜欢这样的题材可以SKIP掉这电影。但是若喜欢武士片, 或是绫濑遥的FANS, 就一定要支持.

不喜欢武士片 = 2.5/5
喜欢武士片 = 3.5/5
喜欢武士片,也是绫濑遥的FANS = 4/5

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