
Monday, December 28, 2009


这是一部真人真事的真实纪录片。本纪录片讲述千惠如何发现自己得乳癌, 得乳癌后,千惠和家人, 朋友, 男朋友的住院生活的点点滴滴。 这是一部十分感人的纪录片, 不论是千惠爸爸的不离不弃,男朋友的冒雨买结婚戒指, 朋友的心意婚礼, 每一个情节都必能感动观众的心。

我很喜欢最后的短片说到千惠的爸爸虽然没有了一位女儿, 但是却多了一个儿子。看到里, 泪就不断的流下~

我相信这是一公升的眼泪后, 另外一部最感人的真实纪录片。因为这是一部以生命换取的纪录片, 更提醒观众提早检查身体。
虽然这部不是一部电影, 不过她是我认为每一个人都应该看得纪录片, 警惕自己。

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

April Birde (生命最后一个月的新娘 ) -2009



日本电影一般都有一样的通病, 就是节奏有够慢的。这部也不例外。 我本身不爱看爱情电影, 可以说讨厌看。 但这次找来看是因为先看了她的真实纪录片, 才产生兴趣的。她的真实纪录片真的非常垂泪, 我也留了不少马尿。因此, 自然会想看她的改编电影, 看看电影改得如何。

电影的整个流程很顺(真实纪录片是从生病讲回如何发现生病), 这就补助了真实纪录片里把故事讲得东一块西一块的状况, 使观众容易明白。 但是整部戏节奏真的很慢。个人觉得里面有许多不必要的情节。 这部是主张爱情, 在真实纪录片中伟大的父爱完全体会不到。还有就是一些情节改了, 把办婚礼的意思从

这故事主要的三个人物, 千惠(女主角), 太郎(男主角),女主角爸爸。 我觉得男主角和女主角爸爸在选角方面都不错, 尤其 女主角爸爸, 有几分相似度; 男主角就帅了点, 如果能找个普通的更好,太郎真人给人感觉木纳一点 。千惠其实没有演得很像, 或许电影需要给人画面唯美,所以从电影中感觉不到女主角的被病魔折熬的痛苦。

我觉得这部电影很可惜。 那么好的故事, 既然
改编得还比原版的缺少感动。尤其对白方面, 一个可以修改的电影对白, 竟然比不上不可以修改的真实对白。我觉得这部电影只值得3/5。 算是一个纪念千惠的作品吧。 其实, 这一部电影可以跳过。而且要拍给很有耐性的人看, 慢。

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Toy story 3 (Coming soon)

Plot : Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college.

On screen on 18 June 2010 (U.S Cinema)

Toy Story 是本人最喜爱的3D动画, 1,2 我都很喜欢。看到这个3的trailer出现。我简直是喜出望外, 这个一定要看。 相信1,2 里面的玩具任务全部都会出现, 而且又有新角色吧! 期待度5颗星.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Goemon (2009)


A very beautiful film, Goemon is well-known Japanese legendary Thief, the story put him as Oda Nobunaga's men, and also the legendary ninja Hattori Hanzo's disciples, and also become the one who assassinate Toyotomi Hideyoshi's hero.
As an adaptation from history and legend story, the story can fit vey well.

There are many CGI in this movie, too many. These make the movie look unrealistic. All special stunt or move is only depand on CGI, It basicly look more like a video game than a movie.

Generally, just a so-so movie. 3.5 / 5

非常华丽的一部电影, 把一些日本战国时代的闻名人物全部归纳于一个故事。石川五右衛門是日本家喻户晓的一位传说中的大盗, 既然把这个人物放为在历史故事, 把他成为织田信长的手下, 更是传说中忍者服部半藏的徒弟, 而且是刺杀丰臣秀吉的功臣。

画面很维美, 但也因为太过于
维美, 就少了多了许多的真实感。 动作方面CGI太过于依赖CGI, 变得太做作了。 尤其那种一骑挡千, 根本就像是玩电子游戏。

大致上是一部不过不失的电影。 3.5/5

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ichi- 市 (2008)



Ichi is a blind woman who roams about town with her shamisen (a three-stringed Japanese guitar), but she has exceptional with her sword skills. One day she being rape by a man, she was exodus from her group. After that she killed the man who raped her and starting her journey to find the man who teach her sword skills, whom she dunno neither her father or not.

My Tough:

Samurai's movie have always been my favorite.

I am very impress of the actress who plays the main heroine; Haruka Ayase. She very suitable for role with no emotion or eye without focus / no blink, in the movie my girlfriend is a robot (Click here to see her other movies), she played the Robots, now the Blind Girl (both emotionless) very well, she even make me believe that the heroine is a true blind.

In other hand, the actor who plays "Toma" is not very suitable. I think that character should be more rogue. And I think that the plot of this movie is too early to review that "Toma" is actually a sword master (middle part), it should be review only when he fighting hand to hand (near end part) to the yakuza Boss, that will bring more surprises.


Not everyone like Samurai's movie, plus the progressing of the movie is bit slow (a blind walk twice slower than normal), so if you don't like samurai films then you can SKIP this movie. However, if you like samurai films, or Haruka Ayase's FANS, you will certainly check this out.

Don't like samurai films = 2.5 / 5
Like samurai films = 3.5 / 5
Like samurai films, but also as Haruka Ayase 's FANS = 4 / 5

幕末,有一群携带着三味线到处走唱的盲眼瞽女(瞽女是指怀抱着叁味弦,靠沿街卖唱为生的盲人艺人),其中一位名字叫“市”。瞽女每天奏响三味线,唱着歌,只赚着够自己每天生活的钱。一天, 他被一位客人强暴,被赶出盲眼瞽女的团体, 但是谁知道,这位盲眼瞽女其实是个用剑高手,所以, 她把欺负她的男人给杀人, 然后独自流浪, 四处寻找教她剑法但却留下她, 不知是不是自己父亲的男人。


一直以来都喜欢看武士时代电影的我, 很自然的就对这样题材的电影感兴趣。

在这里不得不称赞饰演女主角“市”的 绫濑遥。不知道是不是她眼睛原本就没有什么精神, 她饰演一些没有感情或眼睛不对焦的角色十分适合,之前在电影我的女友是机器人(按这里看她其他电影),她饰演饰演无感情的机器人十分到位, 这次的盲女也一样出色(都是缺乏感情的),甚至能令我相信女主角是真盲的。

男主角 大泽隆夫饰演的“藤平十马”就不是很适合。 我认为男主角 的性格应该需要再无赖一点。而且我觉得这戏的情节唯一铺陈不好的就是太早让人知道“藤平十马”其实也是用剑高手(中段), 如果在当他和坏人头目交手(后段)才交代他是用剑高手, 我觉得这样的情节会更有惊喜。


这种电影的题材比较偏门, 不是所有人都会喜欢, 加上情节进展比较慢(尤其盲人走路比普通人慢一倍),所以不喜欢这样的题材可以SKIP掉这电影。但是若喜欢武士片, 或是绫濑遥的FANS, 就一定要支持.

不喜欢武士片 = 2.5/5
喜欢武士片 = 3.5/5
喜欢武士片,也是绫濑遥的FANS = 4/5

Saturday, November 21, 2009

UK Empire Magazine, 10 movie Icons in 10 years


这是英国电影杂志选的在十年里的十大电影代表人物。 当然, 在这里不谈你认不认同他们的选择, 这是看看你能认得多少个。 喜欢看电影的我当然全认得! 你呢?

Empire is a british movie's magazine. They have chosen 10 movie icons in the pass 10 years. Can you recognized them all?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My meter standart (我的评分标准)

Now, I make a list for people to know how to measure my mater standards .

A scale of 5:

5 / 5 = perfect score = movie that time must seen at least once in life time , sure will die without eyes close if not seen. But I never gave a perfect score for any movie yet, because I think that all movies still has room for improvement.

4.5 / 5 = masterpiece = Movies with these score sure will be my BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.

4 / 5 = good made =Movies with these score easily be my BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR.

3.5 / 5 = = most commonly score. nothing good but also nothing bad. Okay movie.

3 / 5 = 3 is those movie only worth a look when you are free.

under 2.5 = poor, normally I will not write reviews for movie under that score.

我常常会以多少之五来评分。 现在做个列表让人知道我的评分的标准是如何衡量的。


5/5 = 满分= 人生必看之电影, 没看过死后会死得不眼闭。不过本人没给过满分的电影,因为认为所有电影都有进步空间。

4.5/5= 佳作 = 给这样分数的电影一定会是在我人生中成为我心目中的TOP LIST。希望以后可以做个Top List电影的排行榜。

4/5 = 上作 = 拿到4的电影已经可以成为Movie of the Year 了。

3.5/5 = 中规中举= 最常给这样的分数, 就是一般而已。

3/5 = 下作 = 拿3就等于不是很好看了, 不过没事做还值得一看那种。

below 2.5 = 通常如果差到这样的我都已经不会像要写评语了。

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Orphan (2009)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Departures (2008) - 2009 Oscar Best foreign Movie

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Super Junior versus SNSD

Super Junior - sorry sorry (dance version)

SNSD - Gee (dance version)

Sorry sorry( SNSD version)

Gee(super junior version)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Best Neil from Bleach cosplay

Thursday, October 15, 2009

IF One Piece Drawing by Takeshi Obata (Death Note)

Left 4 dead cosplay bt night zero

Thursday, September 17, 2009



Raging Phoenix is the comeback of Jija Yanin, the female action icon, that combines new stunning martial art styles and love story to be the ultimate action-romance film. Focused specifically to Jija's skills and personality, Raging Phoenix fuses her martial arts skills with hip hop dancing and other elements. The film also introduces a newcomer, Kazu Patrick Tang who teams up with Jija on the big screen.

之前 Jija Yanin 的 Chocolate ( 按这里看REVIEW ) 相比, 这一部孙色了许多。在这儿点出一些此作品的优点的缺点。

先礼后兵, 优点:
2)以一部动作片, 打架场面多达八场余多, 算是交足了功课。

1)套招多于打架, 动作缓慢了点。
2)演员完全没有演技可言, 看来武打明星不会演戏是不争的事实。
武打动作很大, 但是导演很喜欢用近镜(可能因为场地小的关系), 有些动作看得不清楚。

不知道是不是演员们都开始有了知名度, 明显大家
明显都比较“惜身“,打得没之前第一部那么豁出去, 更没有什么危险动作。笼统来看, 这一部只算中规中举的作品, 有新意, 但缺乏令人热血沸腾的打斗。3.5/5

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Phobia 2 (2009)


The screaming experience from 2008 is about to return again with a portmanteau horror film by the most talented film directors – Banjong Pisanthanakun (Shutter, Alone, 4BIA – In the Middle), Paween Purijitpanya (Body, 4BIA - Tit for Tat), Songyos Sugmakanan (Dorm), and Parkpoom Wongpoom (Shutter, Alone, 4BIA – Last Fright).

Friday, June 26, 2009

Grand Torino (2008)


讲述一位住在一群亚洲屋村的老年人, 太太的离世后,隔壁搬来了新邻居, 苗族人(他们在以前美国打越南时, 帮助了美军, 所以战争失败后, 越南不承认这些苗族人, 赶他们走, 美国就收留了他们)。故事发展一位西方老人如何和他的邻居成朋友, 还有一些发生在这老人和这屋村的故事。

电影的名字译为老爷车, 这名字就有双重意义, 一个是戏里面的车子, 二就是暗喻这位老人。这戏里面有很多很有意思而值得思考的对白和情节。


姐姐:我希望我们有你这样的父亲, 不像我们的父亲那么保守。

整套戏我个人觉得最有趣的是老人带着在他隔壁的年轻人到理发店学讲粗口。因为在那个环境, 男生一定要成群结党, 不然就会被欺。 就如戏里苗族的姐姐说的, 在这里的女生可以上大学, 但男生就进监牢。但是这苗族的弟弟性格比较内向, 喜欢洗碗, 种花(严格上环境逼成, 一是上街成群结党, 一是躲在家里)。原来, 讲粗口也是一种艺术, 更是男子汉的表现。(因为苗族的弟弟每次被人欺侮都不敢出声, 很懦弱)

最后, 这是我个人的看法, 老人会选择在那一区住, 可能有两个原因。第一当然是和太太的安乐窝。第二, 是戏里没提到, 自己认为的, 就是他习惯了处在亚洲人的社会(当年在亚洲打仗)。我是从他很快的融入邻居的生活圈猜想的。

还有, 最后, 那老年人的选择与做法, 我个人觉得是一种他的生命赎罪。(毕竟当年打战时杀了人,而且数目清楚)。

这是一部看了会令人很多深思的电影。 我个人很喜欢。
我认为值得4/5。 喜欢剧情的电影的人不可错过。


It is about an old man living in Asian's housing area. after his wife's death, a new neighbor moved in become his neigbour next door, there called themself as Miao's people(who in the past when the United States war with Vietnam, this tribe of people helped the U.S. military, so after the failure of the war, Vietnam drive them away, then the United States accept them to live in U.S).

My review:
The name of the movie has a double meaning, one mean an old car, another metaphor that the old man. There are a lot interesting conversation and circumstances in the movie. Such as:

1) a young priest who has often visited the old man(who fought Vietnam War and killed on battlefield before).
priest: Today let us discussing the issue of life and death.
Old man: How could a highly educated 27-year-old virgin understand the meaning of life and death?

2) Miao's elderly sister would like the old man to teach his younger brother to become a brave man.
Sister: I hope our father is like you, as our father is so conservative.
Old man: I am a conservative father.
Sister: But you are Americans.
Old man: What does that mean?

My favorite is the part the old man bring the teenage who live next door to a barber shop and learning to speak foul language. In that environment, people either gang up, or will be bullying. In the movie, as the Miao's sister said, Miao's girls go to college, but the boys go to jail. This Miao's teenage who is very weak and always bully by people. In fact, speaking foul language is an art, but also the performance of being a man. (Because every time the Miao's teenage never fight back and afraid to say anything evrytime he been bullied)

In my personal view, the old man will choose to live in the area may be with two reasons. The first because of his wife. Second, he used to live in the Asian community (war in Vietnam).
I personally feel that his life is a kind of atonement. (He killed in wartime).

I think the movie is worth 4 / 5. People who perfer good plot of a film, should not to be missed.

Friday, May 29, 2009

G.I.JOE-The Rise of Cobra (2009)


但是, 若把它跟原著联系, 就可以得分很低。

最不喜欢就是里面的人物关系, 简直是来乱的。

Friday, April 24, 2009

天水围的日与夜 (2009)

非常写实的一部电影, 既然从男主角(女主角的儿子)看到一点点自己的影子。在某一些习惯, 遭遇自己跟男主角有点雷同, 所以自己很容易进入里面的角色。

其实整部电影的概念很简单, 就是一个单身母亲和一个儿子, 还有她的亲戚; 和住同大厦并一起同事的阿婆的日常生活。 电影并没有很华丽的画面, 紧张的动作或悦耳的音乐; 但是电影所带出来的气氛和含义却令人值得深思跟感动,尤其能给人共鸣。



儿 : 考不到不就出来做工。 (之前她母亲也这样说)

同工:如果你母亲叫你不要看电视, 去做功课, 你会怎么回答?
儿 : 哦。
儿 : 哦。
儿 : 哦。
儿 : 哦。

非常有意思的电影, 如果喜欢看一些有意思, 能够令人深思的电影; 强烈推荐给喜欢这样的朋友。
如果看电影只为了与娱乐, 求感官刺激, 那么就可免了。


This is a social reflect movie. It was so realistic; I see my own shadow from the actor (as the son in the movie). There are some habits, life experience which is similar to mine, so for me is easy to get connect with the role.

In fact, the concept of the movie is very simple. A single mother,her son, her relatives; and a old lady(her neighbor) daily lives. The film did not have any gorgeous view, neither intense action nor great music; but the movie come with very meaningful philosophy about life; the atmosphere is worthy and touching, especially to give people sympathy.

There are a lot of very interesting dialogue.

For example:

Mother: Life is difficult.

duagter: How hard will life be?

Uncle: Can your result get you in Form six?

Child: If not just look for a job. (Before that her mother also)

Co-workers: If your mother ask you not to watch TV, doyour homework, how would you answer?

Son: Oh.
Co-workers: If your mother ask you to wear more clothes?
Son: Oh.
Co-workers: If your mother ask you back home early?
Son: Oh.
Co-workers: If your mother ask you to don't talk use the phone for too long? ?
Son: Oh.

These is a very interesting movie, if you are a person wish to see a meaningful movie which can lead you to think of meaning of life; strongly recommend to you.

But if you just want to see an entertain movie, high budget film, you may skip this movie .

I personally gave 4 / 5.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Susan Boyle from Britian's got talent

I dreamed a dream

There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes man (2008)

JIM CARREY 回来了。 一直以来我都非常喜欢JIM CARREY, 之前他尝试转型, 演不同的角色, 不过, 可以肯定的; 喜剧才是他的拿手好戏。

这部YESMAN和LAIR LAIR有些相似的地方, 都是不能选择, 只有单一选择。 而且因为这些选择而闹出笑话。 戏里还有一个很抢眼的绿叶, 就是演JIM CARREY的上司的NORMAN, 很搞笑又令人喜欢的上司. 希望以后能再看到他在JIM CARREY的或其他喜剧电影.

喜欢电影里带出的正面信息, 不要埋怨, 把握机会, 装备自己, 活出人生. 尤其在学习新东西的功课方面,因为你不知道哪一天这些东西是用得到的.
像电影我认为最搞笑的两幕, 唱歌劝跳楼的人, 还有用韩语安慰在婚纱店工作的韩国女生.

这套戏我看了两次, 两次都是看得笑到流泪.
强力推荐 4.5/5.
这电影归入我对JIM CARREY的最爱的项目里.

JIM CARREY is back. I like JIM CARREY movies very much until he different roles beside comedy, but be sure; comedy is his bestt.

LAIR LAIR and YESMAN have some similarities, both have concept that not able to choose or only can make single decision. All these single choice making choices bring humor situation. There was another outstanding comedian in these mvie , that is as JIM CARREY's boss: NORMAN, he is cute and funny. Hope to see him again in other JIM CARREY's movie or other comedy.

These film's bring very strong positive message, it is about not to complain, take your opportunity by equipping ourselves and live a life. Especially in the homework on learning new things, because you do not know when these things will come in handy.
I think the most funny scenes is either, singing to persuade people not to jumping off a building, and he comforted a Korean's girl in the weeding dress shop.l.

I saw this movie twice, and I still laughing to tears.
Strongly recommended to everyone. Worth 4.5 / 5.
The film will included in my JIM CARREY favorite selection.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Tale of Despereaux (2009)

很普通的一部3D动画。 主要讲述一个勇敢老鼠怎样勇救公主的故事。看这动画有点像在看儿童故事书, 是一部适合小孩子的动画, 不过未必会吸引小孩子, 因为有很多旁白.

没事做或要给小孩子看有点教育性质的动画, 看看无妨. 3/5.

A very common story about a brave mouse save the human princess, just like ordinary children story book stories. These animation is suitable for children but may not attract them because of a lot of dialog.

If you are bored and so into animation or wanted an educated movie for children, see it as no harm.

3 / 5.

Taken (2008)

这是一部关于一位已经退休了的政府特务"Prevender"的父亲寻找女儿下落的故事 。有一天,他的女儿和朋友前往法国旅游, 却在当地被的地下组织绑架了,逼迫他们打毒品,最终卖为妓女. 他的父亲发现壮观,并开始他法国寻女的旅程,拯救她的女儿。

这电影的故事情节非常紧凑, 而且紧,。我很快就投入电影的剧情, 完全没有冷场的感觉。 或许因为这电影没有什么大明星,可惜的许多人都不知道它的存在. 非常推荐给喜欢动作电影的朋友。绝对值得4/5.

Taken is a movie about a father who is a ritered special agent for the goverment who cliam himself as the prevender. One day his daughter travel to french with a friend. She end up kidnaped by some underground organisation who specialise kidnap tourist and give them drug to become prostitute. His father found out and start his journey to saving her daughter in French.

The movie have a good action and story line. Audience easy follow in the movie. When the movie started you hardly give a break and will keep watching it to the end.

Even there are no big celebrity is this movie but this movie should be putting more attention by people who never know it occur. Recommend to those people who like good story and action. I give 4 out of 5. Try go look for it.

Comingsoon (Shutter's Director)

Trailer :

一部中规中举的恐怖电影。因为罩着SHUTTER的光环, 很多人必定会拿这电影和SHUTTER比较。是的, 没有比SHUTTER好, 但也未又太差。好看过ALONE。

故事讲述一部恐怖电影, 看了电影的人都会死, 一点类似THE RING。主角是电影的放映员, 先死的是看DEMO的电影的工作人员, 然后就是偷录影主角的朋友。 接着离奇的事就发生在主角身上。

电影中有一个小TWIST, 一个比较难忘的镜头(重复),和一句经典对白。可惜这次的吓人度比较低。


It is a okay horror film. Unfortunate, there is no better compare to SHUTTER, but better than ALONE.

The story is about all the people who watch the horror movie die. It is a little similar to THE RING. First, the horror movie's maker team die after they watch it as pre-screen , then a worker of the cinema who recorded the movie illegally for sell it as pirate dvd. After that, the starring who also work in the same cinema have watch it, strange thing starting to happen.

There is a small TWIST in the moive, a memorable scene (repeating), and a classic dialog. Unfortunately, the movie is lack of scary element.

only worth 3.5 / 5.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blood: The Last Vampire (2009)

这是一部动画改编作品. 原作中, 只讲述女主角SAYA如何在日本的军事基地和翼人(吸血鬼)战斗.

电影版中, 就多加了SAYA身世的故事, 更把第二号女角从原作是一位肥胖的中年女老师, 换去一名年轻少女.

增加的剧情都很弱, 母女两人的情仇. SAYA和小时候青梅竹马男孩之情. SAYA如何被仆人训练成用剑高手也只是淡淡带过而已.

这电影最大的败笔, 就是CG很烂, 真的很烂! 烂CG使这部电影失色很多.

有几幕和原作中改得很相近, 尤其一开始在地铁那边.

另外, 虽然我知道很多人觉得SAYA找韩国人来演有点怪怪. 不过, 我觉得, 就算找回日本人来演还是怪怪的, 因为原作中的女主角, 有点像非日混血儿. 除非找个真的非日混血儿, 不然也不会像SAYA.

我个人觉得此电影还可以, 虽然加了很多无谓的元素. 不过在背景气氛中, 有达到原作的感觉.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Marvel Heroes Movie

(Iron Man 2) 2010年5月7

(Thor) 2011年6月17日

(The First Avenger: Captain America) 2011年7月22日

(The Avengers) 2012年5月4日

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009


一开始在一个新池塘钓鱼,当然鱼很多, 那时候自然钓得比较频繁. 当日子久了, 鱼就会越来越少, 因为池塘边还有其它钓客. 虽然池塘有时会游进一些新鱼, 小鱼会变大鱼, 或会有被放生回流的鱼, 但以数目无论如何相比, 都不能比当初的新池塘多. 池塘的鱼少了, 自然也少去钓鱼了. 这时候, 你可以选择换新池塘钓鱼. 但是, 谈何容易, 因为你已经和周边的钓客建立朋友关系, 你适得吗? 除非你被逼转换环境, 要不然你是钓鱼发烧友, 你才有决心换场地.

再来钓鱼也看心情呀!到底是愿者上钓? 还是瞄准一只全力垂钓? 愿者上钓当然比较容易,但通常比较花鱼蜊, 而且放生机会高, 因为可能钓到后可能不满意. 全力垂钓需要比较多的准备. 从瞄准, 放适合的鱼蜊, 都要花上一段时间. 当然, 钓鱼更讲究个人经验. 有些钓客手脚很快, 虽然选择全力垂钓, 但只需花了少许时间准备时间, 就垂手可得. 不过, 笨手笨脚的大有人在, 有些更弄得偏体磷伤; 不就被鱼钩钩到, 就是被鱼刺到. 虽然如此, 大家都还是不气馁的继续钓, 因为大家都想吃鱼.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009


词曲编唱: 畑龙

一个人在Tg. Aru, 看到好多人在拍拖一粒椰子两条straw, 嘴角还咬着木瓜酸想到那天你和我讲, 你决定跟他去英国终于有机会跟他滑雪, 还可以看看外国的月亮其实我好多话想跟你说, 放在心里真是口难开二十年来没跟你说, 晚晚夜夜长长发开口梦才讲!我真是中意你, 可不可以不要去英国我真是中意你, 可不可以不要跟那条啉死是说你想坐飞机, 不如我带你去近近地反正翻开报纸都有零票, 两间航空公司斗到要死槟城JOHOR吉隆坡.随便你说, 我立刻上网要就快点, 迟就没罗! 零票book完, 我就冤枉!其实我好多话想跟你说, 亚庇是一个好好住的地方多年来鬼老都来观光上神山过pulau去3rd beach晒月光!我真是中意你, 可不可以不要去英国我真是中意你, 怕你睡觉冷到没盖被我还是中意你, 英国吃不到亚庇生肉面我真是中意你, 最好还是不要离开亚庇因为没你在身边我会死

Thursday, February 26, 2009

幸福万岁 (Love Matters)-on cinema now


一直以来都挺欣赏梁志强的电影, 可能因为星马情缘, 又是华人关系, 一些文化的上的相似. 所以他的作品多多少少都能代表东南亚华人的心情(虽然主要还是是新加坡).

这次梁挑战的主题是爱情, 分有老,中, 青三种不同年龄层. 在这里我就说说我对三种年龄层股市的铺陈看法.

老: 关于一队老夫老妇的故事, 而且, 联系到那个不能的和婚外一夜情等社会问题. 我觉得三个中这个故事最搞笑, 成功.

中: 典型的钻石王老五然后改变要安定下来的故事, 不过当中牵扯到网上交友的问题. 这个最烂, 以逻辑性来说这个最不逻辑. 本人最讨厌那种发生不幸的事情结果是发梦等这样的情节.

青: 讲述一个青涩少年对爱情的憧憬, 可是却换来被人恶整. 有反影现在年轻人拍亲热短片, 结果被放上网的情节. 故事普通, 中规中举.

虽然挺喜欢他的电影, 但是论故事的起承转合, 往往觉得他的电影桥段转的和牵强, 这部电影也是一样, 尤其在中年那一段.

如此看来, 三个单元, 一好, 一坏, 一不好不坏.
所以, 这电影也只有3.5 不好不坏.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

哈亚庇,溜货私 (go KK, woo girl)

词曲编唱: 畑龙

汗记得啊日, 阿丢几条啉死,哈亞庇看戏样边低, 经过KARAMUNSING, 遇到亮货私!其啊a面八... 真是好像蔡依琳其啊身材是索! 鼻血流滿地!挨越行越近, 小姐挨好想识你你啊电话... 用零一几?其竟然, 當阿a話是放屁对挨不采不理挨无放弃! 再问email 老买skype问其马改名趁時... 其喊挨死遠嘀!!!* 毛天理! 你做买安恶死?想約你去看戲真是毛天理! 你有毛安亚气!最多 你咩讲你不去!热噻! 好局气!!小姐!阿颠好想识你可无可以摈阿颠电话, 老买地址?问其马改名趁時... 其喊挨...死遠嘀!!!

向转左向转右, clockwise, anti-clockwise

其实答案是两边都是, 这是OPTIC ILLUTION, 试试用你的眼睛改变她的方向.
只要你稍微把焦点放在下面的影子, 你就可以容易控制她要转的方向.

Look the shadow inside, you think she is truning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
Actually the answer is both. The is Optic Illution, it depand on how you see.
When you focus on the shadow below, you can easy change the truning direction.

Max Payne (2008)


首先, 这是电玩游戏改编的电影. 有一句这样的说法, 凡是电玩游戏改编的电影都不怎么好看. 一来可能因为需要你玩过原版的电玩游戏方能了解整个故事架构. 我非常同意好游戏改编的绝大都是烂电影.

故事讲述一名警员的妻子和孩子在一次的破屋抢劫谋杀死了. 从此以后, 这警员发誓要捉到真凶. 可是后来才发现当时不是一宗普通的谋杀案件, 谋杀案背后隐藏了更大的秘密. 这电影和原版电玩比起来用心不足. 虽然要模仿电玩的慢节奏, 但要呈现在电影就显得十分拖拖拉拉. 电影和原版最大的分别就是电影里有出现吃了药物后的后遗症, 看到天使的幻影. 这是原版没有的. 原版只是主角因为失去家人太过伤心悲决, 常常发恶梦, 在梦中不能原谅自己, 因为自己的迟了回家, 陪上家人的性命.

这电影和原版都有一致的地方, 就是Bullet Time (可闪子弹慢动作). 原版电玩是游戏界里第一个有这样的功能的作品, 这是当年最大的卖点. 电影就首次出现在Matrix. (先有Matrix电影, 才有Max Payne游戏, 所以应该是Max Payne 抄Matrix). 只得一提的是此电影沿用了原版电玩的创音乐.

其实电影和原版, 被更改了蛮多的, 至少有50%. 因为我玩过原版的电玩, 我只能给3/5.
若我没玩过原版,多久或许我只会给2/5. 对Max Payne游戏不认识的人可以不看, 有玩过的人看看无妨.

First of all, this is a video game adaptation movie. Movie adaptation of video games is always crapy, the reason is you might need to play the original video game in order to understand the whole story. Gamers will very much agree with these, "a good game always come as a bad movie."

The story is about a police officer's wife and children was murderer in a robbery. From then on, the police officer has vowed to catch the muderer. Later on he found that hise case was not an ordinary murder case, behind it was a greater secret. The movie is too drag on and emphsis much on drugs which is not from the original. The original story is more about revenge for his loss.

The beauty and of the game is a system called Bullet Time(flash bullets in slow motion). Max Payne game is the first has such function. By the way, Bullet Time first appear in Matrix movie (Max Payne should be copied Matrix ideal). The only console about this movie is using the original soundtrack from the video game. Other than that, the movie at least 50% difference from the original. For me as a player for the original video game, I give it 3 / 5. For those who not played the original, I think it only score 2 / 5. Not recomment for people never played Max Payne before.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

我的女友是机器人(2008日本) + TIMELINE分析

我是因为他的导演才看这套戏. 他的导演就是那位拍我的野蛮女友韩国导演. 我的野蛮女友是本人最喜欢的韩国电影. 也是本人第一次接触韩国电影. 过后有一阵子就喜欢上韩国电影(不过看韩国有一个困扰, 就是个个女明星样子都差不多一样, 果然是全民整容当的国家). 当时的水准都不错, 像我的老婆是大佬, 2009LOST MEMORY等. 不过后来觉得韩国电影开始泛滥, 由如港产片, 水准乘差不齐, 尤其到后来的韩国鬼戏轰击, 韩国电影越来越糟糕. 难怪RAIN都要跑到HOLLYWOOD拍戏. 而这个导演要到日本拍这部我的女友是机器人.目前这部戏还未在大马上映, 但是市面上可以找到DVD.
因为是相同导演, 所以一定要跟野蛮女友比较一下; 我的女友是机器人还是输了一个马位. 爱情感动不足, 笑料也不够. 不过, 并不代表这电影很差. 毕竟是跟我最爱的野蛮女友比较. 如果单评论不比较, 这电影, 还算合格的. 有笑点, 有那么一点点的感动. 不过戏里面的穿梭时空; 会让许多人摸不着头脑, 我也是为了要明白他时空的逻辑, 才做了一个TIMELINE分析表. 这电影我给3.5 / 5.


女机器人出现(2008)(FROM TIME LINE 1)


女主角出现(2007)(FROM TIME LINE 2)

女主角在2007出现(2007)(FROM TIME LINE 2)
女机器人出现(2008)(FROM TIME LINE 3)
女主角在2008出现(2008)(FROM TIME LINE 2)


Bangkok Dangerous 2.0 (2008)


很多人都不知道, 这电影其实泰国版的REMAKE. 庆幸的, 我之前有机会看过泰国原版. 泰国原版应该是在鬼妻(NANGNAK)之后, 拳霸(ONGBAK)之前. 换句话说, Bangkok Dangerous泰国原版当时只有VCD在大马市场部面世.

先来看看REMAKE版本的故事: 身为职业杀手的男主角, 远赴泰国执行他的最后一个任务。其后他就决意洗手不干. 男主角找来了当地的小混混成为他接任务的跑腿, 因为小混混的忠心, 往后成了主角的好帮手并徒弟. 另外同时且在泰国结了识聋哑的女主角,两人萌生爱.主角一边谈恋爱, 一边接任务, 一边训练徒弟. 不过杀手界是黑暗的, 不是杀人就是被杀, 在一次主角任务失败后, 自己且成为被追杀的对象.

原版的中当然都是泰国人, 故事讲述一位杀手训练一位聋哑成为徒弟的故事. 聋哑徒弟因为要谋生, 才成为杀手的. 故事有提到一些杀手的规矩, 像是你在知道被杀目标后, 就不能拒绝这案件. 还有不可以杀你的雇主, 但可以买另外杀手去杀你的雇主等. 这些在新的版本都没提到, 新版只提到如何干得干净利落, 就是一定要请人来成为接任务的跑腿, 而且不能呆在同一个地方太久, 离开时杀了你一定要杀了你请来的跑腿. 原版的比较像边缘人的故事, 新版的就只是单纯的商业片.

两者比较下,原版比较好看. 因为我看过原版, 也知道原版的精彩, 所以我只给3/5. 未看的或许还值得3.5/5吧. 就一般商业片, 美景, 美女, 英雄, 枪战, 没什么特别.

此外要提的是泰国原版的Bangkok Dangerous才是我第一次看彭氏兄弟的电影, 并不是见鬼. 见鬼是我开始注意彭氏兄弟的电影. 个人非常喜欢彭氏兄弟拍摄的鬼戏.

A lot people do not know this movie is a Thailand's remake . Fortunately, I have the opportunity to watch the original verison. The orginal movie comeout between NANGNAK and ONGBAK. In other words, we only can found Bangkok Dangerous in Malaysian market in VCD those day, sadly not screen on cinema.

Let take a look at REMAKE version:
Nicolas Cage as a assasin, went to Thailand to carry out his last mission. He found a local to work for him as a runner for his mission, this local are loyal and some how remind Nicolas Cage as himself. Later on this Thai's local beome became good helper and his apprentice. At the same time Nicolas Cage know a Thai's deaf girl working in a pharmacy, the two fall in love. Un fortunately, killer's career are dark circles, weither
heyou kill or be killed. when Nicolas Cage failed in a mission, he become the target.

How about the Original Vesion:
It tells the story of a killer and a deaf guy training to become his apprentice. These deaf apprentice became a killer just for living. This version mentioned some killer's rules, such as after you know your target, it should not refuse the case. Other rules suck as The killer can not kill your employer, but they can buy other killers ot done the job. employer.

I the new version only mentioned how to do a clean assasin job, that is must hire a runner for simple job, and not stay in the same place for too long, when you leaf must kill youe runner. The original version is more dramtic, and the remake version just ordinary commercial films.

Comparing those two, the original better. I wil give 3 / 5 only because I know the original story. For people who don't know the orginal, perhaps worth 3.5 / 5.
Just like ordinary commercial films, beautiful background, beauty, hero, gun figthing, nothing special.

I want to mention that the movie made by first Pang brothers I watched is the Bangkok Dangerous original version, not The Eye. After The Eye I only began to pay attention to the Pang brothers's movie, especially ghost movie.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ongbak 2 (2008) on cinema now


这是其实是部好片.但是很多人会认为是部烂片. 没看的朋友, 想象一下如果PIRATE OF THE CARREBIEN 只看第二集且没有看第三集, 那么你会说PIRATE 2是好片还是烂片? 再加上这部看不到跟ONGBAK1有任何关系, 除了电影最后有轻轻带过的佛像头.

再比较ONGBAK1 和ONGBAK2; 2增加许多打架场面; 故事也比较庞大(庞大到完结了也没无法交代清楚) 但是这次却少了一些特技镜头. 少了一些看ONGBAK1惊喜的感觉. 不过, ONGBAK2也有带给我其他惊喜. 惊喜并非来自TONYJAA, 而是两个不知到是谁的两个女生. 一个是玩虎拳像兽人,另外一个就是戏最后的鹰拳. 她们的打法都很特别, 根本就像是野兽, 不只单纯的打拳. 全套戏我个人最喜欢这两部分.

故事讲述主角父亲是泰国皇帝的近身侍卫, 结果发生叛乱, 皇帝被杀, 侍卫当然也不例外. 主角也被追杀. 不过阴错阳差主角被一群徒匪收留, 长大后练得一身好武功. 接下来就是要报仇了.

故事未完结, 官方已经发表有第三集, 让我们一起等待ONGBAK3吧.

This actually is a good film, but many people would think it is a lousy film. To those who not yet watch the movie, imagine if PIRATE OF THE CARREBIEN only hart part II and without III in the market, would you still say PIRATE 2 good? In addition, I do not see this have any relate with ONGBAK1, apart from the last movie has glossed over the buddha statues head.

Compare ONGBAK1 and ONGBAK2; 2 increase in many fights scene; the story is deep deep enough till cannot explain clearly even come to an the end movie. ONGBAK2 look less pleasant. However, ONGBAK2 bring other surprises. The surprise does not come from TONYJAA himself but two unknow girls. one is playing Tiger Fist, another is show at the final figth using Eagle Fist. They play very in particular, it is like the beast, not even a pure boxing skill. I personally enjoy the most in these two parts.

The story is about the TONNYJAA 's father is the close bodyguard of Emperor of Thailand , rebellion happened , the emperor get killed and his bodyguard also. TONNYJAA have been hunted down by assasin. Fortunetly, he been save by a group of skillful Gangs , he grow up as a well trained martial arts person. Then only thing left for him is avenge.

The story did not come to an end, an official has been annouced that has ONGBAL III as well, let us all wait for the part III. Because I only saw half of the story, so I can only give 3.5 /5 for this movie.

Eden Lake (British thriller 2008) on cinema now


第一,我不建议不能接受血腥电影的人看这电影. 这电影有一个镜头是一名男生被活活烧死, 儿童不宜. 最近我发现英国恐怖电影其实非常好, 他们都具有良好的剧情和创艺的故事线。例如: 28 days and weeks later, Decent, Cottage等。

要称为一个好恐怖电影,非常需要有一个逻辑并且好的故事线。一些问题如: 为什么坏人要追杀主角电影必需要有答案. 如果没有好的理由的杀人理由, 那只不过是一部没有灵魂的恐怖片。

我认为此片非常不错的,不单背景优美,而且电影的悲剧接近我们的生活。换句话说,这是一部部写实的惊悚片,或许不幸的话这些事情可能发生在你我身上。 我不想泄漏情,因为看一部好的恐怖电影最重要是不知道内容如何, 才会有惊喜. 我只能这么说,这电影讲述的是一个森林,一湖, 两个成人,和一群少年人。

我觉得题材新鲜又写实. 所以我认为值4/5.

1st, did not recommend to people don't like or cannot accept disgust and bloody sence. This movie have a scene a man being maltreat. No kid allow please. Lately I found that British horror movie actually very good. They all have good plot and good story line. Example: 28 days and weeks later. Decent, cottage and these.

To make a awsome horror, need a good and logic story line. Question like why the bad guy want to kill others got to be an answer from the movie. This thriller is so good because it have built a wonderful enviroment which the incident in the movie could ever happen to us too. In another word, the thriller is so realistic to believe that these actually could happen to you and me.

I don't want spoil the story, which is a good horror movie need to save the suprising element.I just can said that, the movie is about one jungle, one lake, 2 adults, and a group of teenage. I give it 4 out of 5.